Dr. H. Randall Dozier, Chair
Mr. William Edward Gunn, Vice Chair
Mr. Floyd L. Keels, Secretary
Executive Affairs Committee
Dr. H. Randall Dozier, Chair
Mr. Robert E. Lee, Vice Chair
Mr. Jody Bryson
Mr. H. Paul Dove, Jr.
Mr. R. Tracy Freeman
Mr. William Edward Gunn
Mrs. Patricia C. Hartung
Mr. Kenneth W. Jackson
Mr. Stephen N. Jones
Mr. Floyd L. Keels
Ms. Karen A. Leatherman
Mr. George C. McIntyre
Mr. Mark S. Moore
Dr. J. Kevin O’Kelly
Faculty/Staff Liaison:
Dr. Luther F. Carter
Academic Affairs and Accreditation Committee
Mr. Mark S. Moore, Chair
Ms. Karen A. Leatherman, Vice Chair
Mr. William W. Coleman, Jr.
Mr. H. Paul Dove, Jr.
Mr. R. Tracy Freeman
Mrs. Patricia C. Hartung
Dr. J. Kevin O’Kelly
Faculty/Staff Liaisons:
Dr. Sharon O’Kelley
Dr. John Rowan
Dr. Sharon O’Kelley
Dr. Charlene Wages
Dr. T. Alissa Warters
Development and Alumni Committee
Mr. R. Tracy Freeman, Chair
Mr. H. Paul Dove, Jr., Vice Chair
Mr. William W. Coleman, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth W. Jackson
Mr. Floyd L. Keels
Mr. Robert E. Lee
Mr. Mark S. Moore
Faculty/Staff Liaisons:
Mrs. Lauren Stanton
Mr. Lee Daugherty
Financial Affairs and Facilities Committee
Mr. Kenneth W. Jackson, Chair
Mr. William Edward Gunn, Vice Chair
Mr. Jody Bryson
Mr. Stephen N. Jones
Mr. Floyd L. Keels
Mr. Robert E. Lee
Mr. George C. McIntyre
Faculty/Staff Liaison:
Mr. Darryl Bridges
Mr. Ralph Davis
Student Affairs and Athletics Committee
Mr. Stephen N. Jones, Chair
Mr. George C. McIntyre, Vice Chair
Mr. Jody Bryson
Mr. William Edward Gunn
Mrs. Patricia C. Hartung
Ms. Karen A. Leatherman
Dr. J. Kevin O’Kelly
Faculty/Staff Liaison:
Mr. Murray H. Hartzler
Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy
Accreditation Liaison to the President
Mr. H. Paul Dove, Jr.