The Student must be at least 18 years of age to complete this Contract. If the Student is NOT 18 years of age at the time this (electronic) Contract is to be completed by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or guardian must provide their name full legal name and current address.
ARTICLE IV. Obligations of the Student
(1) The Student shall pay any fees or charges assessed for failure to abide by policies or regulations as stated in the Student Handbook.
(2) The Student shall exercise reasonable care in the use of Housing facilities: care of his/her apartment or room, abiding by all University, Housing and Residence Life policies, rules, and regulations, now in effect or later enacted, and accept penalties for violations thereof.
(3) The Student shall submit to the Housing and Residence Life office, written documentation via email, handwritten, or electronic service requests for any existing damages, maintenance, pest control, or custodial services applicable to their assigned living space, private or shared, within 48 hours of receiving access (keys) to said living space.
(4) The Student upon the termination of their occupancy shall notify the Director of Housing and Residence Life or their designee, who shall have the student's living space inspected. During the said inspection the condition of the living space shall be assessed to determine if any damages, maintenance, or cleaning/removal cost(s) will be applied to the student's account, based on a determination responsibility of said cost(s).
(5) The Student shall pay the cost of replacement or repair for any breakage or damage to the furniture, fixtures, or appliances in ttheir assigned space(s), of which they are found responsible. Breakage or damage to furniture, fixtures, or appliances in common space or private spaces, when responsibility for the damage is not determined, shall be applied proportionately to all students in the space with reasonable access to said space. The student will be required to pay, entirely or proportionally, for cleaning and removal of trash, refuse, or other abandoned items in the student's living space.
(6) The Student shall not assign this contract nor sublet the assigned living space, or provide access to Housing Facilities, except authorized guest complying with Housing and Residence Life policies, to another party or parties; nor shall the student move to another living space, building, floor, room or apartment, suite, room, or bed space without first receiving written approval from the Director of Housing and Residence Lifee, or their designee.
(7) The Student shall not alter or repair electrical equipment, fixtures, or appliances that belong to the University. Defects in said electrical items should be reported immediately to the Housing and Residence Life office by email, handwritten, or electronic service requests.
(8) The Student shall not house pets in or around any Housing facility or allow pets to visit any Housing facility. Approved (through the Counseling, Testing, and Special Services Center and the Housing and Residence Life office) emotional support animals and/or ADA service animals are not considered as pets.
(9) The Student understands that:
(a) They will be required to pay charges for unauthorized use of or alterations to Housing Facilities.
(b) The University's acceptance of a Housing Application, Housing Contract, and $173 deposit (Application Materials) does not guarantee assignment in Housing facilities based on the provisions in ARTICLE I, Sections 3 and 4.
(c) Personal electrical equipment authorized for use in the student's living space may include, television screen or monitors, audio/stereo equipment, personal computers or mobile devices, gaming console, a single microwave per room, and a miniature refrigerator and or freezer, based on Housing and Residence Life specifications. Other electrical equipment may be acceptable provided such devices do not exceed the amperage limits of the electrical circuits or otherwise creates a hazard due to the manner in which they are connected. No student may keep or use an electrical appliance with exposed heating elements, except in apartment kitchen areas.
(d) The possession or use of firearms, including air-powered guns, spent or live ammunition, black powder, hatchets, knives, bows, arrows, slingshots, explosives, fireworks, candles, incense, flammable fluids, hazardous chemicals (or mixtures) or propelled missiles are prohibited and can result In automatic cancellation of this contract and immediate removal from Housing and/or suspension from the University. Prohibited items will be confiscated.
(e) Tampering with, disabling, or rendering inoperable or ineffective, safety/security equipment, including but not limited to extinguishers, smoke detectors, locks, camera, doorbells, card readers, alarms, is prohibited and such offenses against the safety of the Housing community will be duly prosecuted, and are causes for removal from Housing and separation from the University.
(f) Housing/University keys and access cards issued to students remain the property of the University and must be returned to Housing (the University) upon request. Keys and access cards may not be possessed/used by any person, except those to whom the keys and or access cards were issued. Possession/use of keys and or access cards by persons other than those to whom the keys or access cards were issued, constitutes a violation of University policy. Students must report lost or stolen keys and or access cards to Housing and Residence Life office staff immediately. Any keys or access cards found should be returned to Housing and Residence Life office staff immediately.
(g) Roofs and services/utility spaces in Housing facilities are "off-limits to non-authorized persons.
(h) Soliciting, canvassing, or the use of Housing Facilities as a location for conducting sales is prohibited. University student organizations may use Housing facilities, for approved activities, only after receipt of written permission from the appropriate University authorities.
(i) Waterbeds and other pieces of water-filled furniture are not permitted.
(j) Exterior antennae or receivers are not permitted. Cable TV and Ethernet connections are available in every Housing Unit.
(k) Personal wireless network routing devices (Wi-Fi router) are not permitted in Housing facilities. Any Wi-fi device found in use, by means of discovery on the network or in-person observation, will be reported to the University's Campus Technology staff.
You must acknowledge below that you have read ARTICLE VI. Obligations of the Student.
ARTICLE V. Security, Safety, and Searches
(1) (a) The University shall not be liable for damage to, theft or loss of any personal property, including, but not limited to, loss caused by fire, water, or mechanical defect or failure, while in, on, or around Housing/University facilities or premises.
(b) All personal property in, on, or around Housing/University facilities or premises, within the Student's control shall be at the sole risk of the Student. It is the Student's sole obligation to acquire/provide renter's insurance for their personal property.
(2) As in any community, living in Housing facilities brings students in contact with many individuals: fellow students, staff, faculty, and community members. The University will implement reasonable public health and safety measures regarding infectious disease as recommended by the applicable public health authorities. The University strongly encourages all individuals to follow the recommended public health guidelines, but it cannot control any particular individual's behavior, except as it relates to violations of the University's policies. As a result, the University is not and will not be liable for any public health threat to which a student or visitor may be exposed, including but not limited to the transmission of any infectious disease including, but not limited to, COVID-19, Influenza, the "common cold," etc. Living with a roommate and or among other residents, which necessarily involves sharing bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, laundry facilities, computer rooms, courtyards, and other common areas, involves the risk of contracting an infectious disease. Your electronic signature indicates your acknowledgment and understanding of this risk.
(3) The University reserves the right for authorized personnel to enter a student's living space to:
(a) perform routine maintenance and custodial services,
(b) conduct health and safety inspection(s),
(c) enforce the University's Code of Student Conduct, including but not limited to, observation, search, and or seizure and or,
(d) conduct, by law enforcement, search and seize procedures.
(4) The University reserves the right for its officials to enter and search a student's living space in accordance with the "Student Room Entry" policy as described in the University's Student Handbook.
(5) The University reserves the right to request a search warrant from local law enforcement agencies when there is probable cause to believe:
(a) that a room is occupied by a non-resident whose presence constitutes a violation of federal, state, or local law;
(b) that an occupant has concealed within the room property, the possession of which constitutes a violation of federal, state, or local law, and will subject said individual to immediate dismissal from Housing, pending a University hearing.
(6) Any prohibited item(s) may be confiscated immediately, with or without the owner of the item(s) presence and or the presence of an occupant of the Housing living space wherein the item(s) was (were) found.
You must acknowledge below that you have read ARTICLE V. Security, Safety, and Searches.