March 28, 2019

FMU names alum Stanton as director of foundation
Lauren Stanton (’09, ’13) has been named executive director of Francis Marion University’s Education Foundation.
Stanton will assume the new post this summer.
Stanton, a Pamplico native, is currently the assistant director of the Florence County Economic Develop Partnership, or Florence Progress. She’s been there since 2014. Prior to that she served on the admissions staff at FMU.
Stanton received both her undergraduate degree and her MBA from FMU. She’s served on the FMU Young Alumni Advisory Council and was the 2016 winner of the Benjamin Wall Ingram III Young Alumnus Award. She’s currently a member of FMU’s alumni board and is secretary of the FMU foundation’s board of trustees.
Stanton is also a current member of the Pee Dee Workforce Investment board, the Junior Leadership Florence County advisory board, the McLeod Community Partners, co-chair of the Southern Economic Development Council’s Young Professionals Board. She’s a graduate of the SCEDA Advanced Symposium.
FMU’s Education Foundation supports the University’s missions through fundraising and other activities.