FMU Music Facilities
Hyman Fine Arts Center John W. Baker Art & Music Wing

The John W. Baker Art and Music Wing of the Hyman Fine Arts Center, which includes faculty offices for the department, also houses practice rooms and studios for individual vocal and instrumental instruction.
Hyman Fine Arts Center South Wing

The south wing of the Fine Arts Center includes the 350 seat Fine Arts Theatre and the Adele Kassab Recital Hall, an intimate 150-seat performance space with infinitely variable acoustics.
Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center

The Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center, just seven miles from the main campus in downtown Florence, has greatly expanded the Music Industry’s facilities. It houses rehearsal and performance spaces, sound reinforcement facilities, faculty offices, and a music technology lab with keyboards interfaced with computers and software to assist students in composition, transcription, music theory and ear training.

The Francis Marion University Recording Studio is a state of the art facility utilizing both classic analogue and modern digital equipment. The studio is focused around a fully loaded ProTools 11 HD rig with an Avid C24 console and ADAM A7 monitoring. There is a full compliment of industry standard microphones from AKG, Sennheiser, Rode, Audio Technica, Neumann and many others. Classic analogue preamps are provided by Neve, API, Universal Audio and Audient. The studio features two isolation booths and a great room large enough to handle ensembles of any size. The facility also includes faculty offices and studios for piano and voice instruction.
Other Facilities and Performance Venues

Other campus auditoriums and performance venues are Chapman Auditorium in the McNair Science Building, Lawrimore Lecture Hall in the Cauthen Educational Media Center, Thomason Auditorium in the Lee Nursing Building, and Smith University Center Commons and Gymnasium. And of course, there are also the less formal “coffee house” settings which provide an outlet for local musical talent in both invitational and “open mic” formats.