
An institution that offers distance or correspondence education documents each of the following: (Distance and correspondence education)

4.8.3 has a written procedure distributed at the time of registration or enrollment that notifies students of any projected additional student charges associated with verification of student identify. 

Compliance Judgment

X      In compliance     Partially compliant     Non-compliant


Francis Marion University does not charge students more to take online courses, and yearly tuition and fees are published publicly. Professors identify in their syllabi when students should take an exam at the Counseling and Testing Center.

Francis Marion currently has no additional student charges associated with verification of student identity for online courses. Based on university policy, notification of all tuition and fees are provided to the student upon registration or enrollment [1]. Francis Marion’s yearly tuition and fees are approved by the Francis Marion University Board of Trustees and made accessible to students on the Office of Financial Assistance web page [2].

In the instances when online students are required to be proctored during test taking, the professor’s syllabus identifies the use of Francis Marion’s Counseling and Testing Center [3]. The Counseling and Testing Center provides services free-of-charge to students.


  1. Tuition and Fees 2016-2017
  2. Fines and Fees Report 2016, p. 1
  3. Marketing 331 Syllabus, p. 2