Christina Springs MSN-NE, RN

Headshot of Christina Springs

Christina Springs MSN-NE, RN

Instructor of Nursing

Office: LNB 107
Phone: 843-661-4658

Christina Springs received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2016) and her Master of Science in Nursing with an emphasis on Nursing Education (2023) from Francis Marion University. She will be pursuing her Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) in the Fall of 2025.

Springs has been a Registered Nurse since 2016 and her areas of expertise include medical-surgical and cardiovascular surgery. In 2021, Springs decided to transition into academia working part-time as a clinical instructor for Francis Marion University. Now teaching in the undergraduate BSN program.

Springs is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International and feels she can best serve by teaching and mentoring students to care for patients holistically. She is proud to be a member of the faculty at Francis Marion University and give back to the campus and community that started her career.