THEA 397 CE – Boxes and Pens: An Introduction to Woodworking

Schedule: Tuesdays, 4pm

Start Date: January 23, 2024

Location: FMU Performing Arts Center Scene Shop

Faculty: Dr. Christopher Johnson | | 843-661-1518

Credits: 3

This class will teach many of the basic techniques of woodworking. Using hand tools, you will develop traditional joinery skills as you craft small, dovetailed boxes. You will also learn the basics of wood turning while making attractive wooden pens. No prior experience is required, and the instructor will provide all the necessary materials, including safety glasses and a pen kit for each participant. By the end of the term, you will have a greater understanding of wood grain and structure as well as the proper uses of measuring tools, chisels, saws, and planes. You will also learn fundamental sharpening techniques.

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