Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering involves applying the physics of motion (force, energy, and kinematics) to design equipment, devices, and machines. Mechanical engineers have the ability to analyze and design objects and systems with motion. Mechanical engineers work in a variety of design and manufacturing industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, and robotics.
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree program is a 4-year program. The program was created in response to demand from local industries and an internal study conducted by Francis Marion University, which suggested a need for mechanical engineers in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina. The program is housed in the Department of Physics and Engineering. Students complete a unique 123-credit hour curriculum that includes instruction in engineering, physics, and mathematics.
FMU’s Mechanical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Mechanical Engineering.
Course Requirements
Mechanical engineers apply the physics of motion (force, energy, and kinematics) to design equipment, devices, and machines.
Mechanical engineers work in a variety of design and manufacturing industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, and robotics.
A major in mechanical engineering requires completion of the following courses:
- ENGR 101 – Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 201 – Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 220 – Materials Engineering
- ENGR 250 – Mechanics of Materials
- ENGR 301 – Engineering Mechanics
- ENGR 310 – Electronics and Instrumentation
- ENGR 320 – Statistics for Engineers
- ENGR 330 – Engineering Economy
- ENGR 350 – Manufacturing Processes
- ENGR 370 – Fluid Mechanics
- ENGR 400 – Thermodynamics and Heat and Mass Transfer
- ENGR 401 – Design of Mechanisms
- ENGR 402 – System Dynamics and Controls
- ENGR 411 – Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
- ENGR 468 – Production Planning
- ENGR 482 – Mechanical Engineering Senior Design
- PHYS 200 – Technical Physics I
- PHYS 201 – Technical Physics II
- PHYS 202 – Technical Physics III
- PHYS 220 – Computational Methods
- MATH 201 – Calculus I
- MATH 202 – Calculus II
- MATH 203 – Calculus III
- MATH 301 – Ordinary Differential Equations
- MATH 306 – Multivariable Calculus
- CHEM 111/111L – General Chemistry I: General Concepts/Lab
- ENGL 318 – Technical Communication
- ECON 203 – Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON 204 – Introduction to Macroeconomics
Additional Information
- In addition to the course requirements above, the student is encouraged to pursue a summer of supervised training at a professionally related site off campus.
- No additional minor or collateral is required.
- The minimum number of semester hours required in engineering courses is 52.
- The minimum number of semester hours in all courses (major and non-major) required for the mechanical engineering degree is 123.
- Upon earning credit toward graduation (grade of D or better) in ENGR 250, mechanical engineering majors receive the designation of “UpperLevel Engineering Student”.
- NOTE: Upper-level engineering students are subject to higher tuition for their remaining semesters of studies (normally their last 4 semesters) as detailed in the University’s Tuition & Fees publication.
Course Descriptions
CHEM 111 – General Chemistry I: General Concepts in Chemistry
Prerequisites/Corequisites: MATH 111 (or MATH 111E).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: The states of matter, including the gas...
CHEM 111L – General Chemistry I Laboratory: General Concepts in Chemistry
Prerequisites/Corequisites: CHEM 111 and MATH 111 (or MATH 111E).
Credit Hours: Min: 1; Max:Description: Introductory laboratory experiments reinforce...
ECON 203 - Introduction to Microeconomics
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: Introduction to the role of individuals in economic decision-making, the determination of...
ECON 204 - Intro to Macroeconomics
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: Introduction to the operation and behavior of the economy as a...
ENGL 318 - Technical Communication
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGL-102(3122). (Required, Previous).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: Introduces students to the conventions of writing...
ENGR 101 - Introduction to Engineering
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take MATH-132 or MATH-137. (Required, Previous or concurrent).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: Introduction to the...
ENGR 201 – Engineering Graphics
Credit Hours: Min: ; Max: 3Description: Students are introduced to the fundamental principles of engineering graphics –...
ENGR 220 - Materials Engineering
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-201 CHEM-101. (Required, Previous).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: This course is designed to introduce...
ENGR 250 - Mechanics of Materials
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGR-101 ENGR-301. (Required, Previous). | Take MATH-301. (Required, Previous or concurrent).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: -
ENGR 301 - Engineering Mechanics
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-201. (Required, Previous). | Take MATH-202. (Required, Concurrent).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: An introduction...
ENGR 310 - Electronics and Instrumentation
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take PHYS-202 PHYS-220. (Required, Previous).
Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max:Description: This class provides an introduction to...
ENGR 320 – Statistics for Engineers
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGR-250 or ENGR-252. (Required, Previous). | Take PHYS-220. (Required, Previous or concurrent).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: -
ENGR 330 – Engineering Economy
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGR-250 or ENGR-252. (Required, Previous).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: . Concepts and techniques of analysis...
ENGR 350 – Manufacturing Processes
Prerequisites/Corequisites: # Take ENGR-250 or ENGR-252 # Take ENGR-220 ENGR-301 MATH-202. (Required, Previous).
Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max:Description:...
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take ENGR-250 ENGR-301 MATH-301 MATH-306 PHYS-200. (Required, Previous).
Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max:Description: The course introduces...
Courses Found: 32
The mission of the mechanical engineering program is to prepare undergraduate students with the skills, capabilities, and knowledge to fulfill the local and regional needs of South Carolina. The program is dedicated to recruiting, educating, and retaining a diverse student population by offering a rigorous, comprehensive, and unique curriculum that enables students to learn current mechanical engineering concepts.
The Mechanical Engineering program uses the educational facilities in the Leatherman Science Facility (LSF) and McNair Science Building (MSB) at Francis Marion.
ABET Accreditation
The FMU Industrial Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
FMU’s Mechanical Engineering program will seek similar accreditation once prerequisites required by ABET have been met.